Povey Balkanski


Photo of Povey Balkanski

My name is Nikolay Dimitrov. I was born in 1977, in Sofia, Bulgaria. Pòvey Balkanski (A Whiff of Balkan Air) is the pen-name I use in my fiction literature endeavours. I realise it sounds quaint, funny even, but that’s the best I could come up with. (Now you know what you can expect from my work, too!)

I graduated in computer engineering and I work in software development. I have not yet reached that stage of my artistic career where I’d be able to afford to not work 9 to 5 but spend my days at home staring at the blank sheet of paper. Perhaps the reason for this is I rarely devote time to literature. I only write when I’m in the mood, and my interests lie chiefly in the spheres of science fiction and fantasy adventure. I try to make my work as little socially committed as possible. I don’t know how well I manage to do this.

My other hobbies include hiking in the mountains and watching films. The latter surely has a significant impact on my writing and is another reason why I find it difficult to label myself a writer.

The ways in which contemporary society is changing are so turbulent I find it difficult to establish what actually makes one a professional writer and what his or her role for humanity is. I am sure there are people who have produced so much text in the form of “wise” commentary on social media that they’d put to shame all classical authors of ages past. I hope that, in this abnormal dynamics, we won’t abandon our reason in exchange for artificial intelligence and our bodies in exchange for cutting-edge technologies whose only purpose is to make life “easier”.

I favour conservative thought (within certain limits of course), which is why I try to write simple and accessible texts that are, however, not superficial.

What I am saying is my writing is far from perfect and it’ll never be, regardless of the amount of effort I put in it. Also, I make no claims of being a moral role model in society; I have no desire to determine future developmental tendencies or offer an in-depth exploration of the human soul that can bring professional critics to orgasm.

The reason why I sit down and write is I am swept into euphoria when I create universes that don’t exist and adventures that shake my characters’ lives to their foundations.

I am not married and I have no children (I know this is still important in the real world, that’s why I mention it – not to brag or complain).

Since I do not know what else to say about myself, I shall finish this with a poem I wrote in the beginning of 2003 that I feel describes me neatly:

Photo of Povey Balkanski
The sky is the strangest thing
that I have ever seen.
Ostensibly it is the same sky,
yet every time I look at it it’s different.
Sometimes it smiles, sometimes it scowls at me,
but is ever more beautiful with the passing of each day,
is ever more immense with the passing of each day,
and I am all the more lost in it.
Nikolay Dimitrov
11 January 2022
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